Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why cultural diversity matters | Michael Gavin | TEDxCSU

I find this video absolutely amazing and mind changing. Micheal Gavin explains how our world is losing cultural diversity as fast as David's language is being lost. I believe that to be true. I've spoken Spanish fluently since the age of 8. I can communicate with all of my family members that live in Peru and Puerto Rico. However, because my family is Hispanic, we have Hispanic friends. When i meet these Hispanic friends that live in a america some of them cant speak Spanish. They can only speak English because their parents were too lazy to teach them. Its sad to think how parents could just let their culture go like that.

Corporate film of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity

  Cultural diversity is so important to some cultures. What if there was only one song genre in the world? What if there was on book in the world? What if there was only one way to dance? Our world would be such a boring place! Its a natural reaction for humans to get annoyed of the same thing.  Everyone's culture has their own traditions that they follow and stick to. The world would be such a bland, boring place with out cultural diversity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stock Market Basics: How the New York Stock Exchange Works - Tutorial Cartoon (1952)

I highly enjoyed this New York Stock Exchange video. Being able to see how  the stock exchange works really helps me get a clear vision of the process. Owning a share in American industry is like owning a share of American history. Common stock investments have helped make our country prosperous. With out stocks, so many companies wouldn't be able to survive such demand.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Maya Penn

Maya Penn is an inspiration to girls all over the world. Most eight year olds would be playing with barbie dolls but Maya was already developing thoughts about her very own business! She may be the youngest entrepreneur in America and that is mind blowing. By the time she was ten she already had an interview with Forbes Magazine. Forbes only interviews the stars of the business world so that just shows how remarkable this young lady really is.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Quality of Introduction to stocks Videos

To be honest I'm not sure how i feel about this video. I liked how he wrote everything he talked about because I'm a visual learner and that helps me retain the information. However, he wouldn't explain what he was talking about. For example, when he brought up the bonds he said " I'm not going to get into detail about what a bond is." That's a problem for me because what if i didn't know what a bond is? I would've been confused for the rest of the video!

Here's what makes your career move on Wall Street

I highly enjoyed  what Credit Suisse CEO Brady Dougan had to say about his company. I loved how much they thought about the customers. How do I strive to the top? "It's about our clients, our share holders,  about our employees, its about making sure we're doing the right thing. Keeping that  as the focus is what keeps you focused on the issues," is Dougan's secret to  make your career move on Wall Street. How amazing!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Prom Costs

 I cant believe that students spend $300.00 on asking someone to prom! My mom spends that much money on grocery shopping for a month. Young men must be saving up all school year! They need to pay for a tux, limo, flowers, prom tickets, and after party expenses. But the ladies have expenses themselves as well. The girls who are asked have to buy the perfect dress, find out what thy're going to do with their hair, and what make up style they are going to do.  However, this is a night that they will remember for the rest of their lives so its best to just do it the right way.