Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why cultural diversity matters | Michael Gavin | TEDxCSU

I find this video absolutely amazing and mind changing. Micheal Gavin explains how our world is losing cultural diversity as fast as David's language is being lost. I believe that to be true. I've spoken Spanish fluently since the age of 8. I can communicate with all of my family members that live in Peru and Puerto Rico. However, because my family is Hispanic, we have Hispanic friends. When i meet these Hispanic friends that live in a america some of them cant speak Spanish. They can only speak English because their parents were too lazy to teach them. Its sad to think how parents could just let their culture go like that.

Corporate film of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity

  Cultural diversity is so important to some cultures. What if there was only one song genre in the world? What if there was on book in the world? What if there was only one way to dance? Our world would be such a boring place! Its a natural reaction for humans to get annoyed of the same thing.  Everyone's culture has their own traditions that they follow and stick to. The world would be such a bland, boring place with out cultural diversity.